Where There’s WILL, There’s A Way


Pueblo, Colorado 81001

Aquaponics: A perfect STEM connection

A forward-thinking campus in southern Colorado focuses on STEM education, and IFIZ provided a custom-built aquaponic system in the engineering classroom. IFIZ System Innovator Natel Miller led students to construct and maintain a large fish tank and grow beds that produce leafy greens and more. All ages of students engage with the unit, and brainstorm ideas for 3D printing, lighting and new crops.
A forward-thinking campus in southern Colorado focuses on STEM education, and IFIZ provided a custom-built aquaponic system in the engineering classroom. IFIZ System Innovator Natel Miller led students to construct and maintain a large fish tank and grow beds that produce leafy greens and more. All ages of students engage with the unit, and brainstorm ideas for 3D printing, lighting and new crops.